Did you know that with Futur Simple in French you can express anger or politeness? French conjugation and tenses are a bit tricky. But once you know how to conjugate a tense the good thing is you can use it not only to express the tense itself but for a lot of ideas. That is so useful to know and I will tell you here the different values of Futur Simple tense in French. Let’s first review how to conjugate the Futur Simple in French.
The French Futur Simple is built from the infinitive which we add the following endings:
ai, as, ait, ons, ez, ont
There are some irregular verbs, (which are always the most used!), for example:
être: je serai, nous serons
avoir: j’aurai, nous aurons
venir: je viendrai, nous viendrons
aller: j’irai, nous irons
faire: je ferai, nous ferons.

Values of Futur Simple in French
The Futur Simple can express:
- A fact or an action that will occur after the moment we speak (ils se marieront l’année prochaine)
- An eventuality (Elle n’est pas venue? Elle aura encore une migraine!)
- Anticipate a fact, a reaction (vous m’objecterez peut-être mais…)
- An anger (Elle me mentira encore et je ne dirai rien?! Tu plaisantes?)
- Politeness (ça sera tout ma p’tite dame? ça vous fera 10 euros)
- A demand, an order, a duty, a rule (tu honoreras ton père et ta mère)
- An eternal future (tu ne changeras jamais)
- A condition, used with si (si on se réveille tôt, on verra le soleil)
- A desire, used with the verb espérer (j’espère qu’il viendra)
- Future plans, used with quand (quand je serai grand, je serai pompier)
That is all for the Futur Simple. Now you can understand the subtle utilization of conjugations in French. I hope this will help you to use the Futur Simple tense in different situations!
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