French Future Proche (near future) is different from Futur Simple. Although they apparently both express future events, they can also express more subtle ideas. French conjugation and tenses are always a bit tricky. But once you know how to conjugate a tense the good thing is you can use it not only to express the tense itself but for a lot of ideas. That is so useful to know and I will tell you here the different values of Futur Proche tense in French. Let’s first review how to conjugate the Futur Proche in French. Pretty easy:
Futur Proche in French is made using the verb aller at present tense of indicative, followed by the infinitive of the verb that you want to use.
Example: je vais arriver dans 10 minutes.

Values of Futur Proche in French
With the Futur Proche you can:
- express a fact that is going to happen, immediate speech (ma soeur Louise va avoir un bébé)
- express an outcome, a consequence (il va certainement pleuvoir)
- give a command (vous allez m’écouter)
This is short compared to other tenses, however we use this tense a lot in French. It is a thing you need to master and you will do it quickly I am sure!
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