It is a common idea that we only use only 3000 words or 10% of the 10000+ we know. Using Gauss curve, we can say that 80% of what you can expect to listen in France is spoken French, 10% will be very formal and 10% slang. I think the same applies to Pareto law. 80% of what you learn in books will be different in daily French.
This book is all about French language and statistics. Whereas we can’t only rely on statistics, you can leapfrog many things and find your way thanks to it.
In this book, you will find statistics about: Structures, pronunciation, vocabulary, conjugation.
But also:
- The 100 most frequent French verbs
- The 370 most used words in French
- 1700 + French English cognates
- 140 English words that you can use in French
- Tips to determine the gender in French
126 pages
Epub and PDF format
Paperback available on Amazon
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