How Would French Sound Without Liaisons?

Spoken French and written French are two different things. French learners tend to rely too much on books and it causes their listening skills of the real daily French are bad.
Liaisons are not written, but we pronounce them when we speak. It makes the comprehension harder for learners. But without liaisons it sounds weird to French native!

If you want to be effective in your process of learning French, start to speak from day one.


Ah je voudrais_encore vous dire: je vous_aime! Je vous fais_en tremblant, ce tendre et doux_aveux, car sans_hésitation, en ces_instants suprêmes, on veut le doux_objet dont_on_est_amoureux. Quand_on_est_amoureux on_a en soi deux_hommes. Quand_on_aime on_est fort et on_est_un_enfant. Et oui, ca saute aux_yeux. Devant Eve et sa pomme, vous_êtes plus_enfant qu’un_enfant de dix_ans. L’amour vient sans_histoire, et comme un bon_apôtre, et petit_à petit, c’est_affreux, il vous_a. on délaisse les_uns et on_oublie les_autres, et on perd ses_amis, parfois quand_on_en_a. Alors, doit_on souffrir, doit_on subir ce maître, tout_homme parait_il souffre de temps_en temps. Mais mieux vaut l’éviter me direz vous, peut_être. C’est exact mon_amour, alors allez-vous_en!

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4 thoughts on “How Would French Sound Without Liaisons?”

  1. Cool. Interesting too how the French can so clearly hear when the liaisons are missing. It would be super-helpful to hear how it should be – might have to take it over to Rhinospike for a recording.

  2. Je suis français et sans les liaisons, il est difficile de comprendre ce qui est dit.
    On est comme dérangé et ça bloque la compréhension.
    I’m French and without the links (liaisons), it’s difficult to understand the meaning.
    We are like disturbed and we are blocked in our reflection.

  3. Pingback: Do You Speak French? – Intuitive French

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