French Vocabulary: How much French is there in English?

French sounds in English

As you know many words in English come from French language. You can check my post about French-English Cognates. The interesting thing is that some words also kept their French pronunciation. That is interesting for us as French learners, because we will use this pronunciation as a model speak a better French!

Take the words and expressions like the montage, jà vu, rendez-vous, bourgeois, comprise, brochure, filet mignon, chauffeur, lingerie, and encore.

These are often pronounced as the French pronounce it. And it can give you a hint of how some sounds are pronounced or not (faux pas, buffet, coup, and laissez-faire…) Even the liaison appears in words vis-à-vis (pronounced “vee-zah-vee”) and bon appétit (pronounced “baw na-pey-tee”).

If you are a complete beginner, you will find here a list of French words used in English, but with a French accent.

  • montage,
  • jà vu,
  • rendez-vous,
  • bourgeois,
  • comprise,
  • brochure,
  • filet mignon,
  • chauffeur,
  • lingerie,
  • encore.
  • faux pas,
  • buffet,
  • coup,
  • laissez-faire.
  • vis-à-vis (pronounced “vee-zah-vee”)
  • bon appétit (pronounced “baw na-pey-tee”).

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